Southeast Asia Investor Directory by

Southeast Asia Investor Directory by

Find Your Next Investor

Get access to a list of 1,610 investors and 762 funds actively investing in Singapore startups, for free!


Largest List of Investors in Southeast Asia

Iterative is a YC-style accelerator focused exclusively on Southeast Asia. Iterative invests up to US500K in a batch of startups twice a year. The investment includes 3-months of targeted growth and fundraising support, which culminates in a Demo Day to a network of hundreds of investors.

We compiled our Demo Day registrations into a directory, expanded it to 1,610 people and 767 funds, enriched it with information like investment stage, location, etc. and are making it available to everyone.

Think of it is a searchable directory of investors for Southeast Asia.


  • 1,610 investors
  • 767 funds
  • 36 countries


  • People and Funds
  • Linkedin and Websites
  • Country
  • Investment Stages
  • Areas of Focus
  • And more!

Create Your Target List

Here’s how we recommend you use this directory.

1. Qualify

Just like with sales, maximize the return on your time by qualifying investors. Look for those who invest at your stage, country, etc. We have information in the Investor Database to filter on this but it isn't perfect (we're working on it) so use it as a rough guide but verify by clicking on their website or Linkedin profile.

2. Add to Your List

We recommend using some sort of CRM even if it's just Airtable. To make it easier for you, we’ve made a template within the directory to help you get started. To access, copy the base, then click on Funds → Views → CRM Template.

When you find an investor that's a good fit for your startup, change their status to On Radar. Keep doing this until you have a list of 30 or 40 names. It's natural if you starting adding investors that you're not sure are a good fit. Start with those that are and slowly relax your criteria.

3. Contact

Once you have your list, start looking for warm introductions. You can look at mutual connections, ask founder friends, etc. If you can't find a warm introduction, message them on Linkedin or cold email them. Whatever you need to do to reach out to them. I have definitely guessed the emails of a lot of investors in my time.

Making Entrepreneurship More Accessible

At Iterative, we spend a lot of our energy trying to make entrepreneurship more accessible in Southeast Asia. A major reason it isn't more accessible, especially for first time founders, is because investors aren't more accessible.

Originally, the idea was to make this list available to Iterative Founders to help them fundraise. But as we worked on it, and if our goal is to make entrepreneurship more accessible in Southeast Asia, we increasingly felt like it should be available to all founders. So that's what we're doing.


You have questions, we have answers.


How much does this cost?
Can you give me someone’s email address?


I found a mistake or want to change what’s listed. Who do I contact?
How do I add myself?

Get Access

To get access, register below and you will receive an email with a link to the Investor Directory. It's totally free because making startups pay for things sucks.